Friday, October 19, 2012

New Adventures

Just the other day I was sharing with a co worker that I felt that like I had no entrepreneurial spirit and that I had no ideas about starting a business of my own.  A few days later I was looking at the statistics from this blog and the proverbial light bulb clicked on.  I started this blog back in January as a way to get all the negative feelings and thoughts I was having in early sobriety.  By early June there were right around 1000 hits on the blog and had received very little feedback.  It took me a minute to realize that by early October I had over 6000 hits and the Facebook page I had set up to represent the blog was growing at slow but steady pace daily.  By now I have received several messages from complete strangers about how they enjoy my writing and found it motivational and inspirational.  I figured to myself, maybe now is the time to go after that life long goal of being a story teller and finding a way to make a carrier out of it. This week I have made some investigative phone calls and have done a little research into this world of sober story telling and just as I thought there is money to be made here.  And after looking at some of my competitors sites and content I feel quite confident in my abilities as a writer to be able to compete with some of the sites that are coming up in the top ten results in Google in the recovery writing realm.  So as of today I have a name for my LLC that will be filed for one week from tomorrow.  I have to wait till payday of course.  I have research being done for three new domain names as well as a new logo and a new website on the very near horizon.  This could not have come at a better time, seeing that I am taking a trip to the orthopaedic specialist for a knee injury from playing soccer and I the fact that I could possibly be loosing my job.  I have a great friend of mine that has a knack for making big money in the Internet world and he believes that I could have a hit on my hands.  So between his ideas and the response I have received from all of you it is just enough for me to put forth the effort to becoming a business owner for what I thought was the first time, but I do remember a little thing that I was a part of last year involving the music business of Colfax Avenue in Denver.  Unfortunately I was too far into my disease to see that through to the end but there were small victories and a lot of fun and money raised for good causes.  I am sure a few of you got to witness some of the Colfax Radio collaborations.

With all this being said tonight I am truly grateful  and excited to be on a new path having no idea where it will lead and yet today I do not fear it one bit.  This is all due to this new way of life that I have found in sobriety and having faith in a higher power of my understanding.  As long as I stay sober and commit myself to doing the next right thing, stay in the now, and continue to help fellow drug addicts and alcoholics the coveted 9th step promises will continue go come true.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you that have followed me on this path.  If you continue reading I will continue writing.  Shit I will still write even if y'all don't but I hope you do!

Thank you and God Bless

Now Ronnie Van Zant wasn't from Alabama, he was
From Florida He was a huge Neil Young fan
But in the tradition of Merle Haggard writin'
Okie from Muskogee to tell his dad's point of
View about the hippies 'n Vietnam, Ronnie felt
That the other side of the story should be told.

From "The Three Great Alabama Icons" as written by Earl Hicks and Brad Morgan


  1. Using sobriety for profit.....hmmmmm....the 12 traditions comes to mind here. But this blog doesnt claim any ties to, no harm done that I can see! Good luck!

  2. "drug addict and alcoholic"
    redundant and gives the notion they are separate me I am an addict ...that includes alcohol......Big Book says drinking is but a symptom of the disease...well what do ya think drugs are?......rhetorical question and I am not beating up on you just putting it out there as N.A. tries not to confuse the message......good luck in your endeavors....

    1. If they are the same why have a NA & AA?
